Arabs in Germany

Arab Germans are German citizens of Arab descent. They form the second-largest predominantly Muslim immigrant group in Germany after the large Turkish German community. There is an estimated number of 400,000 to 500,000 people of Arab origin residing in Germany in 2013. In the following years, the numbers doubled as they are an estimated 1,000,000+ people. As of 31 December 2017, the total of people (from Arab League) reached 1,234,365. Most Arabs moved to Germany in the 1970s, partly as Gastarbeiter from Morocco, the Turkish Province of Mardin (see: Arabs in Turkey) and Tunisia. Later many came from Kuwait, Lebanon, and recently many came from Syria and Iraq. The majority of Arabs are refugees of the conflicts in the Middle East.

Arabs in Germany

Arab Germans are German citizens of Arab descent. They form the second-largest predominantly Muslim immigrant group in Germany after the large Turkish German community. There is an estimated number of 400,000 to 500,000 people of Arab origin residing in Germany in 2013. In the following years, the numbers doubled as they are an estimated 1,000,000+ people. As of 31 December 2017, the total of people (from Arab League) reached 1,234,365. Most Arabs moved to Germany in the 1970s, partly as Gastarbeiter from Morocco, the Turkish Province of Mardin (see: Arabs in Turkey) and Tunisia. Later many came from Kuwait, Lebanon, and recently many came from Syria and Iraq. The majority of Arabs are refugees of the conflicts in the Middle East.