Arbatskaya Square

Arbatskaya Square or Arbat Square (Russian: Арба́тская пло́щадь) is one of the oldest squares of Moscow, located on the junction of Gogolevsky Boulevard, and (in 1925–1993 – part of Arbatskaya Square). The square is home to the Arbatskaya metro station, on Filyovskaya Line. The Arbat Fountain, originally a fire reservoir (1840s), later a decorative fountain, was located in the south of the square, on the line of Maly Afanasyevsky Lane. In 1945, it was refitted with sculptures and granite slabs in stalinist style, only to be destroyed in the 1960s.

Arbatskaya Square

Arbatskaya Square or Arbat Square (Russian: Арба́тская пло́щадь) is one of the oldest squares of Moscow, located on the junction of Gogolevsky Boulevard, and (in 1925–1993 – part of Arbatskaya Square). The square is home to the Arbatskaya metro station, on Filyovskaya Line. The Arbat Fountain, originally a fire reservoir (1840s), later a decorative fountain, was located in the south of the square, on the line of Maly Afanasyevsky Lane. In 1945, it was refitted with sculptures and granite slabs in stalinist style, only to be destroyed in the 1960s.