Arbeiter-Turn- und Sportbund

The Arbeiter-Turn- und Sportbund (ATSB or Workers' Gymnastics and Sports Federation) was a national German sports organization active between 1893-1933. The organization actively promoted leftist political views built around class struggle and nationalism. By 1930, the federation had a membership of 1.2 million, however, it splintered when the communist-oriented Kampfgemeinschaft für Rote Sporteinheit (KG, en:Fighting Community for Red Sport, commonly Rotsport) was formed. Despite its popularity, the ATSB never managed to break the dominance of bourgeois clubs within the working class.

Arbeiter-Turn- und Sportbund

The Arbeiter-Turn- und Sportbund (ATSB or Workers' Gymnastics and Sports Federation) was a national German sports organization active between 1893-1933. The organization actively promoted leftist political views built around class struggle and nationalism. By 1930, the federation had a membership of 1.2 million, however, it splintered when the communist-oriented Kampfgemeinschaft für Rote Sporteinheit (KG, en:Fighting Community for Red Sport, commonly Rotsport) was formed. Despite its popularity, the ATSB never managed to break the dominance of bourgeois clubs within the working class.