Archidamus III

Archidamus III /ˌɑːrkɪˈdeɪməs/ (Ancient Greek: Ἀρχίδαμος Γ΄ Arkhídāmos), the son of Agesilaus II, was king of Sparta from 360 BC to 338 BC. While still a prince, he was the eispnelas (εἰσπνήλας, inspirer, or pederastic lover) of Cleonymus, son of Sphodrias. He interceded with his own father to spare his aites' (ἀΐτας, lover) father's life in a legal matter, an action which further intensified friction between Athens and Sparta. He later led the Spartan forces both before and during his rule. Archidamus headed the force sent to aid the Spartan army after its defeat by the Thebans at the Battle of Leuctra in 371 BC and was commander later during the fighting in the Peloponnese. Four years later he captured Caryae, ravaged the territory of the and defeated the Arcadians, Argives and Messenia

Archidamus III

Archidamus III /ˌɑːrkɪˈdeɪməs/ (Ancient Greek: Ἀρχίδαμος Γ΄ Arkhídāmos), the son of Agesilaus II, was king of Sparta from 360 BC to 338 BC. While still a prince, he was the eispnelas (εἰσπνήλας, inspirer, or pederastic lover) of Cleonymus, son of Sphodrias. He interceded with his own father to spare his aites' (ἀΐτας, lover) father's life in a legal matter, an action which further intensified friction between Athens and Sparta. He later led the Spartan forces both before and during his rule. Archidamus headed the force sent to aid the Spartan army after its defeat by the Thebans at the Battle of Leuctra in 371 BC and was commander later during the fighting in the Peloponnese. Four years later he captured Caryae, ravaged the territory of the and defeated the Arcadians, Argives and Messenia