Area of Poland

The following numbers characterize the area of Poland * Area of Polish territory - 322,575 square kilometres (124,547 sq mi) (land area, internal waters area and territorial sea area) * Administrative area of Poland - 312,679 square kilometres (120,726 sq mi). This is calculated according to the official definition of the coastline. Some of Polish administrative units include area of internal waters (8 communes in voivodeship zachodniopomorskie, 2 communes in Pomerania Voivodeship and 3 communes in Warmia-Mazuria Voivodeship). In Poland, there are 2,005 square kilometres (774 sq mi) of internal waters, but only 791 square kilometres (305 sq mi) of it are included in administrative units according to the coast line definition. That is why the administrative area of Poland isn't the same a

Area of Poland

The following numbers characterize the area of Poland * Area of Polish territory - 322,575 square kilometres (124,547 sq mi) (land area, internal waters area and territorial sea area) * Administrative area of Poland - 312,679 square kilometres (120,726 sq mi). This is calculated according to the official definition of the coastline. Some of Polish administrative units include area of internal waters (8 communes in voivodeship zachodniopomorskie, 2 communes in Pomerania Voivodeship and 3 communes in Warmia-Mazuria Voivodeship). In Poland, there are 2,005 square kilometres (774 sq mi) of internal waters, but only 791 square kilometres (305 sq mi) of it are included in administrative units according to the coast line definition. That is why the administrative area of Poland isn't the same a