Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory

Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory is a peer-reviewed academic literary journal created at the University of Arizona in 1945. Published four times per year, its self-proclaimed mission is to "subject ['American literature, culture and theory'] to debate, argument, interpretation, contestation via critical readings of primary texts". Most issues of the Quarterly consist of seven articles, and special issues are rarely published (e.g. Summer 2014: Migration and Movement(s) in Chicano/a Literature). As of 2020 the editor is Lynda Zwinger.

Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory

Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory is a peer-reviewed academic literary journal created at the University of Arizona in 1945. Published four times per year, its self-proclaimed mission is to "subject ['American literature, culture and theory'] to debate, argument, interpretation, contestation via critical readings of primary texts". Most issues of the Quarterly consist of seven articles, and special issues are rarely published (e.g. Summer 2014: Migration and Movement(s) in Chicano/a Literature). As of 2020 the editor is Lynda Zwinger.