
ArmSwissBank CJSC is a private and investment bank founded in Yerevan on February 2005 after receiving its banking license N84 from the Central Bank of Armenia. Shortly after, the bank was also granted brokerage license (NBG 0064) and custody license (NPG 0065) to expand its activities. The bank collaborates with KfW and EBRD within the scope of renewable energy and corporate lending programs.


ArmSwissBank CJSC is a private and investment bank founded in Yerevan on February 2005 after receiving its banking license N84 from the Central Bank of Armenia. Shortly after, the bank was also granted brokerage license (NBG 0064) and custody license (NPG 0065) to expand its activities. The bank collaborates with KfW and EBRD within the scope of renewable energy and corporate lending programs.