Armenia Time

Armenia Time (AMT) is a time zone used in Armenia. Armenia Time is four hours ahead of UTC at UTC+04:00. Clock time is about one hour later than solar noon in Armenia, as presented on the top map. Consequently, population activity hours are similar to those in Paris or Barcelona, which have about the same shift to solar time (soft pink on the above-mentioned map). They are about one hour later compared to those in Berlin and Vienna (white on the map), and are two hours later than those in Warsaw and New York (soft blue on the map).

Armenia Time

Armenia Time (AMT) is a time zone used in Armenia. Armenia Time is four hours ahead of UTC at UTC+04:00. Clock time is about one hour later than solar noon in Armenia, as presented on the top map. Consequently, population activity hours are similar to those in Paris or Barcelona, which have about the same shift to solar time (soft pink on the above-mentioned map). They are about one hour later compared to those in Berlin and Vienna (white on the map), and are two hours later than those in Warsaw and New York (soft blue on the map).