Arnon Mantver

Arnon Mantver (Hebrew: ארנון מנטבר‎) is an Israeli professional. who served as Director General of JDC-Israel from 1995–2014. In 2007, Mantver accepted the Israeli Lifetime Achievement Prize on behalf of JDC-Israel. Mantver has also held the following roles: Director General of the Department of Immigration and Absorption at the Jewish Agency (1989-1995); Director General of the Israeli Forum;Founder and Volunteer Chairman of Otzma; Manager of the Center for Immigration to Israel in the northwest United States.

Arnon Mantver

Arnon Mantver (Hebrew: ארנון מנטבר‎) is an Israeli professional. who served as Director General of JDC-Israel from 1995–2014. In 2007, Mantver accepted the Israeli Lifetime Achievement Prize on behalf of JDC-Israel. Mantver has also held the following roles: Director General of the Department of Immigration and Absorption at the Jewish Agency (1989-1995); Director General of the Israeli Forum;Founder and Volunteer Chairman of Otzma; Manager of the Center for Immigration to Israel in the northwest United States.