Arthur Bruhns

Arthur Bruhns (born George Frederick William Bruhns; 10 April 1874 – 1928) was a composer, pianist, and organist. Bruhns was born in Silesia, Germany. He studied at the Royal Conservatory of Dresden under Felix Draeseke and Hugo Riemann and later studied in Paris with Camille Saint-Saëns. Bruhns worked as a conductor of grand opera in cities throughout Europe. He also worked as an accompanist in concert and recital tours with singers throughout Europe and the United States. He composed the music to the theatrical work Ib and Little Christina—with a libretto by Basil Hood—which was first produced at the Prince of Wales Theatre on 15 May 1900.

Arthur Bruhns

Arthur Bruhns (born George Frederick William Bruhns; 10 April 1874 – 1928) was a composer, pianist, and organist. Bruhns was born in Silesia, Germany. He studied at the Royal Conservatory of Dresden under Felix Draeseke and Hugo Riemann and later studied in Paris with Camille Saint-Saëns. Bruhns worked as a conductor of grand opera in cities throughout Europe. He also worked as an accompanist in concert and recital tours with singers throughout Europe and the United States. He composed the music to the theatrical work Ib and Little Christina—with a libretto by Basil Hood—which was first produced at the Prince of Wales Theatre on 15 May 1900.