Arthur Neve

Arthur Neve, MD (1859–1919) was a Christian medical missionary who felt the call to serve abroad early on in life. As a well distinguished doctor, Neve willingly left home at a young age when he was called to Kashmir to continue the medical missions of Dr. Theodore Maxwell and Dr. William Elmsie. He moved to Asia and never looked back, soon becoming the head of the Kashmir Medical Mission where he would go on to serve the sick in Kashmir for the next thirty four years by building the Kashmir Mission Hospital with his brother, Ernest. Influenced by his strong roots in his religion, Neve served the people of Kashmir while also spreading his Christian message to a predominantly Muslim and Brahmin area.

Arthur Neve

Arthur Neve, MD (1859–1919) was a Christian medical missionary who felt the call to serve abroad early on in life. As a well distinguished doctor, Neve willingly left home at a young age when he was called to Kashmir to continue the medical missions of Dr. Theodore Maxwell and Dr. William Elmsie. He moved to Asia and never looked back, soon becoming the head of the Kashmir Medical Mission where he would go on to serve the sick in Kashmir for the next thirty four years by building the Kashmir Mission Hospital with his brother, Ernest. Influenced by his strong roots in his religion, Neve served the people of Kashmir while also spreading his Christian message to a predominantly Muslim and Brahmin area.