Arturo Puga

General Arturo Puga Osorio (1879–1970) was a Chilean military officer and the chairman of the Government Junta in 1932. On June 4, 1932, he became chairman of the Government Junta that was established after the resignation of President Juan Esteban Montero. His presidency lasted until June 16, 1932, when he was forced to resign by the army, who imposed Carlos Davila as the new president.

Arturo Puga

General Arturo Puga Osorio (1879–1970) was a Chilean military officer and the chairman of the Government Junta in 1932. On June 4, 1932, he became chairman of the Government Junta that was established after the resignation of President Juan Esteban Montero. His presidency lasted until June 16, 1932, when he was forced to resign by the army, who imposed Carlos Davila as the new president.