Artus Legoust

Artus Legoust (Arthur Legoust) is a French sculptor (1580?, Bourges, 1630? Toulouse). He was the most notable sculptor in Toulouse in the 17th century. His active years span between 1607 and 1629 during which he provided many altarpieces and tabernacles for Toulouse and its region, even as far as Bordeaux and Limoges. Legoust lived at number 3 rue Cantegril in Toulouse from 22 October 1620 onwards. One of his students was Pierre Affre.

Artus Legoust

Artus Legoust (Arthur Legoust) is a French sculptor (1580?, Bourges, 1630? Toulouse). He was the most notable sculptor in Toulouse in the 17th century. His active years span between 1607 and 1629 during which he provided many altarpieces and tabernacles for Toulouse and its region, even as far as Bordeaux and Limoges. Legoust lived at number 3 rue Cantegril in Toulouse from 22 October 1620 onwards. One of his students was Pierre Affre.