Asellicus of Tusuros

Asellicus of Tusuros was a 4th-century bishop of Tusuros, a Roman Town in what was Roman North Africa. He is known for being outspoken at the Council of Carthage of 411 and from a number of epistles with Augustine and Donatian of Reims. In late antiquity Tusuros was on the Limes Tripolitanus adjoining the Sahara. Strabo described the area as like a leopard's skin, spotted with inhabited places ... that are surrounded by waterless and desert land. This tough and remote location was home to numerous Christian beliefs that were divergent from mainstream Catholicism.

Asellicus of Tusuros

Asellicus of Tusuros was a 4th-century bishop of Tusuros, a Roman Town in what was Roman North Africa. He is known for being outspoken at the Council of Carthage of 411 and from a number of epistles with Augustine and Donatian of Reims. In late antiquity Tusuros was on the Limes Tripolitanus adjoining the Sahara. Strabo described the area as like a leopard's skin, spotted with inhabited places ... that are surrounded by waterless and desert land. This tough and remote location was home to numerous Christian beliefs that were divergent from mainstream Catholicism.