Aspaen Gimnasio Iragua

Aspaen Gimnasio Iragua is a private Catholic primary and secondary school for girls, located in Bogotá, Colombia. The Opus Dei school was founded in 1968 by ASPAEN, a non-profit organization founded in 1964 as a project to promote education all over the country with 24 institutions in 8 cities of Colombia, related by their philosophy to other educational institutes in 5 continents.

Aspaen Gimnasio Iragua

Aspaen Gimnasio Iragua is a private Catholic primary and secondary school for girls, located in Bogotá, Colombia. The Opus Dei school was founded in 1968 by ASPAEN, a non-profit organization founded in 1964 as a project to promote education all over the country with 24 institutions in 8 cities of Colombia, related by their philosophy to other educational institutes in 5 continents.