Association belge des familles des disparus

Association belge des familles des disparus ("Belgian association of the families of the missing") was a nonprofit organization under Belgian law, with its registered office in Brussels, that existed from 1948 to 2009. Its purpose was to determine the location and fate of missing Belgian citizens deported to the Soviet Union at the end of the Second World War. Some of these Belgians had served in volunteer units on the Eastern Front or been conscripted into the Wehrmacht, but others were labour conscripts, prisoners of war or political prisoners liberated by the Red Army but then conscripted to Soviet labour camps.

Association belge des familles des disparus

Association belge des familles des disparus ("Belgian association of the families of the missing") was a nonprofit organization under Belgian law, with its registered office in Brussels, that existed from 1948 to 2009. Its purpose was to determine the location and fate of missing Belgian citizens deported to the Soviet Union at the end of the Second World War. Some of these Belgians had served in volunteer units on the Eastern Front or been conscripted into the Wehrmacht, but others were labour conscripts, prisoners of war or political prisoners liberated by the Red Army but then conscripted to Soviet labour camps.