At Our Worst

At Our Worst is a b-sides/live album released by the melodic hardcore band Evergreen Terrace. The band wrote this in their CD: "Well here it is. Another album of no new songs. Seems like as things progress for us touring wise, things get worse and worse on the time we have to do other things, like write a new album! The idea for this album came along to us by another label named Indianola. They wanted to release our demos and whatnot, and we laughed. We wanted nothing to do with an album like this. In a way we still don't, but hey... money talks and we could really use some new equipment. These live tracks were taken from a show in Jacksonville, FL @ Jack Rabbits November 2003. The unreleased track was originally written for Burned Alive By Time, but for whatever reason didn't make it to t

At Our Worst

At Our Worst is a b-sides/live album released by the melodic hardcore band Evergreen Terrace. The band wrote this in their CD: "Well here it is. Another album of no new songs. Seems like as things progress for us touring wise, things get worse and worse on the time we have to do other things, like write a new album! The idea for this album came along to us by another label named Indianola. They wanted to release our demos and whatnot, and we laughed. We wanted nothing to do with an album like this. In a way we still don't, but hey... money talks and we could really use some new equipment. These live tracks were taken from a show in Jacksonville, FL @ Jack Rabbits November 2003. The unreleased track was originally written for Burned Alive By Time, but for whatever reason didn't make it to t