
Audioconfusion is a recording studio in Mesa, Arizona. It was established 1996. The newest incarnation of the studio was built in 2006. It is owned and operated by Jalipaz Nelson. Audioconfusion is notable for its production and recording of various independent Phoenix bands, especially the first four studio albums by AJJ (and the majority of all of their recorded output with the exception of their two most recent studio records). The studio's sound emphasizes natural reverb and live recording methods.


Audioconfusion is a recording studio in Mesa, Arizona. It was established 1996. The newest incarnation of the studio was built in 2006. It is owned and operated by Jalipaz Nelson. Audioconfusion is notable for its production and recording of various independent Phoenix bands, especially the first four studio albums by AJJ (and the majority of all of their recorded output with the exception of their two most recent studio records). The studio's sound emphasizes natural reverb and live recording methods.