
Aujourd'hui (French: [oʒuʁdɥi], Today) was a daily newspaper which styled itself as "independent" and which was created in August 1940 by Henri Jeanson, to replace le Canard enchaîné under agreement with the Germans. The first issue appeared on 10 September 1940. In November 1940, the German authorities pressured the director into taking a public position against the Jews and in favour of politics of collaboration with the Vichy regime. Jeanson resigned, and was succeeded by the journalist Georges Suarez. Georges Suarez was shot in 1944.


Aujourd'hui (French: [oʒuʁdɥi], Today) was a daily newspaper which styled itself as "independent" and which was created in August 1940 by Henri Jeanson, to replace le Canard enchaîné under agreement with the Germans. The first issue appeared on 10 September 1940. In November 1940, the German authorities pressured the director into taking a public position against the Jews and in favour of politics of collaboration with the Vichy regime. Jeanson resigned, and was succeeded by the journalist Georges Suarez. Georges Suarez was shot in 1944.