Aurora lucis rutilat

Aurora lucis rutilat (Latin for "Dawn reddens with light"; Ecclesiastical Latin: [ˈau̯.rɔ.ra ˈluː.t͡ʃis ˈruː]) is the incipit of an Easter hymn of the Latin rite, first recorded in the Frankish Hymnal tradition (8th/9th century, one of the Murbach hymns) and preserved in the Benedictine "New Hymnal" (9th/10th century).In the numbering introduced by Gneuss (1968), it is no. 41 of the Old Hymnal, and no. 72 of the New Hymnal. The hymn has 12 strophes of 4 verses each as originally recorded;in modern translations it is often reduced to 11 or fewer strophes. The Old High German interlinear version in Bodleian Junius 25 begins Tagarod leohtes lohazit.

Aurora lucis rutilat

Aurora lucis rutilat (Latin for "Dawn reddens with light"; Ecclesiastical Latin: [ˈau̯.rɔ.ra ˈluː.t͡ʃis ˈruː]) is the incipit of an Easter hymn of the Latin rite, first recorded in the Frankish Hymnal tradition (8th/9th century, one of the Murbach hymns) and preserved in the Benedictine "New Hymnal" (9th/10th century).In the numbering introduced by Gneuss (1968), it is no. 41 of the Old Hymnal, and no. 72 of the New Hymnal. The hymn has 12 strophes of 4 verses each as originally recorded;in modern translations it is often reduced to 11 or fewer strophes. The Old High German interlinear version in Bodleian Junius 25 begins Tagarod leohtes lohazit.