Australian Aboriginal sweet foods

Australian Aboriginal people have many ways to source sweet foods. The four main types of sweet foods gathered – apart from ripe fruit – were: * honey from ants and bees (sugarbag, see below) * leaf scale (honeydew – lerps) * tree sap * flower nectar In some parts of Australia, these customs are still used today, particularly in Central Australia. Foods collected can be eaten directly as a sweet or made into a sweet drink.

Australian Aboriginal sweet foods

Australian Aboriginal people have many ways to source sweet foods. The four main types of sweet foods gathered – apart from ripe fruit – were: * honey from ants and bees (sugarbag, see below) * leaf scale (honeydew – lerps) * tree sap * flower nectar In some parts of Australia, these customs are still used today, particularly in Central Australia. Foods collected can be eaten directly as a sweet or made into a sweet drink.