Automotive industry in Croatia

The automotive industry in Croatia employs about 10,000 people in over 130 companies. AD Klaster, members of the Croatian Association of Automotive Parts Manufacturers at the Industry sector of the Croatian chamber of economy employs about 6000 employees and generates profit of about US$600 million. There are also other companies which are not a part of AD Klaster, like AVL, Cetitec, Saint Jean Industries, König metal, Lipik Glas, Nexus, Yazaki, LTH, Multinorm, Institut RT-RK, Galo industries, and others.

Automotive industry in Croatia

The automotive industry in Croatia employs about 10,000 people in over 130 companies. AD Klaster, members of the Croatian Association of Automotive Parts Manufacturers at the Industry sector of the Croatian chamber of economy employs about 6000 employees and generates profit of about US$600 million. There are also other companies which are not a part of AD Klaster, like AVL, Cetitec, Saint Jean Industries, König metal, Lipik Glas, Nexus, Yazaki, LTH, Multinorm, Institut RT-RK, Galo industries, and others.