Available seat miles

In the airline industry available seat miles (ASM) or available seat kilometers (ASK) is a measure of passenger carrying capacity. It is equal to the number of seats available multiplied by the number of miles or kilometers flown. An available seat mile is the fundamental unit of production for a passenger-carrying airline. A unit in this case is one seat, available for sale, flown one mile. For example, an aircraft with 300 seats available for sale flying 1,000 statute miles would generate 300,000 ASMs for that particular flight. That the seats are available for sale is critical. An aircraft that had 300 seats but which was limited (for regulatory or technical reasons) to selling only 250 of them on a particular flight of 1,000 miles would generate 250,000 ASMs on that flight, not 300,00

Available seat miles

In the airline industry available seat miles (ASM) or available seat kilometers (ASK) is a measure of passenger carrying capacity. It is equal to the number of seats available multiplied by the number of miles or kilometers flown. An available seat mile is the fundamental unit of production for a passenger-carrying airline. A unit in this case is one seat, available for sale, flown one mile. For example, an aircraft with 300 seats available for sale flying 1,000 statute miles would generate 300,000 ASMs for that particular flight. That the seats are available for sale is critical. An aircraft that had 300 seats but which was limited (for regulatory or technical reasons) to selling only 250 of them on a particular flight of 1,000 miles would generate 250,000 ASMs on that flight, not 300,00