
Postumius Rufius Festus Avienius (sometimes erroneously Avienus) was a Latin writer of the 4th century AD. He was a native of Volsinii in Etruria, from the distinguished family of the Rufii Festi. Famously asked what he did in the country, he answered Prandeo, poto, cano, ludo, lavo, caeno, quiesco: I dine, drink, sing, play, bathe, sup, rest. He wrote Ora Maritima, a poem claimed to contain borrowings from the 6th-century BC Massiliote Periplus. Avienius also served as governor of Achaia and Africa. Avienius is not identical with the historian Festus.


Postumius Rufius Festus Avienius (sometimes erroneously Avienus) was a Latin writer of the 4th century AD. He was a native of Volsinii in Etruria, from the distinguished family of the Rufii Festi. Famously asked what he did in the country, he answered Prandeo, poto, cano, ludo, lavo, caeno, quiesco: I dine, drink, sing, play, bathe, sup, rest. He wrote Ora Maritima, a poem claimed to contain borrowings from the 6th-century BC Massiliote Periplus. Avienius also served as governor of Achaia and Africa. Avienius is not identical with the historian Festus.