Awkward Family Photos

Awkward Family Photos originated as a website in 2009 that featured photographs that captured embarrassing yet humorous moments among family members and friends. Mike Bender, the founder of the company, and his writing partner, Doug Chernack, launched the site early that year, which asked people to submit any awkward photos that they had in their family photo albums. From then on, the site gained much momentum and various products were developed, such as books and games, and an exhibition at ESMoA.

Awkward Family Photos

Awkward Family Photos originated as a website in 2009 that featured photographs that captured embarrassing yet humorous moments among family members and friends. Mike Bender, the founder of the company, and his writing partner, Doug Chernack, launched the site early that year, which asked people to submit any awkward photos that they had in their family photo albums. From then on, the site gained much momentum and various products were developed, such as books and games, and an exhibition at ESMoA.