Azure hawker

The azure hawker (Aeshna caerulea) is one of the smaller species of hawker dragonflies, (family Aeshnidae). The flight period is from late May to August It is about 62 mm long. Both sexes have azure blue spots on each abdominal segment and the thorax also has azure markings. The markings on the male are brighter and more conspicuous than in the female. The female also has a brown colour form. The species is widespread in the Eurasian polar region. In Great Britain, the azure hawker occurs only in Scotland.

Azure hawker

The azure hawker (Aeshna caerulea) is one of the smaller species of hawker dragonflies, (family Aeshnidae). The flight period is from late May to August It is about 62 mm long. Both sexes have azure blue spots on each abdominal segment and the thorax also has azure markings. The markings on the male are brighter and more conspicuous than in the female. The female also has a brown colour form. The species is widespread in the Eurasian polar region. In Great Britain, the azure hawker occurs only in Scotland.