B32 Business Basic

B32 Business Basic was a competitor to Data General Business Basic written by Murray Haszard in 1986. It ran on the Data General Eclipse MV line of computers initially, and was ported to Unix in 1989 and to DOS in 1991. B32 Software was the company that developed and supported B32 Business Basic, with the original site in Auckland, New Zealand supplemented by a sales and support centre in Blue Ash, Ohio. B32 allowed programs to run with full cursor positioning and attribute support on non-Data General terminals, even programs which had Data General control sequences hard-coded into them.

B32 Business Basic

B32 Business Basic was a competitor to Data General Business Basic written by Murray Haszard in 1986. It ran on the Data General Eclipse MV line of computers initially, and was ported to Unix in 1989 and to DOS in 1991. B32 Software was the company that developed and supported B32 Business Basic, with the original site in Auckland, New Zealand supplemented by a sales and support centre in Blue Ash, Ohio. B32 allowed programs to run with full cursor positioning and attribute support on non-Data General terminals, even programs which had Data General control sequences hard-coded into them.