BBC Multimedia

BBC Multimedia was a division of the BBC which dealt with the publishing of computer-game versions of well-known BBC television programmes. The Multimedia division was founded in 1995 and was closed in 2006 after sales declined in its boxed product business. After the closure Global Software Publishing acquired the rights to publish BBC Multimedia's library. BBC Multimedia also had their own game development studio, known as Gamezlab, which also functioned as a publishing label for their video games, with the BBC Multimedia name being used for software and educational games.

BBC Multimedia

BBC Multimedia was a division of the BBC which dealt with the publishing of computer-game versions of well-known BBC television programmes. The Multimedia division was founded in 1995 and was closed in 2006 after sales declined in its boxed product business. After the closure Global Software Publishing acquired the rights to publish BBC Multimedia's library. BBC Multimedia also had their own game development studio, known as Gamezlab, which also functioned as a publishing label for their video games, with the BBC Multimedia name being used for software and educational games.