Babungo (village)

Babungo is one of the four villages of Babessi Sub Division, Ngoketunjia Division of the North West Region Cameroon. It is situated on the Ring Road from Bamenda about ten kilometers (6.2 miles) from Bamunka on the high plain of Ndop which is fertile and rich in water, intensely cultivated and surrounded by a ring of hills covered with pastures, making it an ideal grazing land.

Babungo (village)

Babungo is one of the four villages of Babessi Sub Division, Ngoketunjia Division of the North West Region Cameroon. It is situated on the Ring Road from Bamenda about ten kilometers (6.2 miles) from Bamunka on the high plain of Ndop which is fertile and rich in water, intensely cultivated and surrounded by a ring of hills covered with pastures, making it an ideal grazing land.