Badi IV

Badi IV (reigned 1724–1762; died 1764), also known as Badi abu Shilluk, was a ruler of the Kingdom of Sennar. When Emperor Iyasu II of Ethiopia invaded his realm in 1738, the army of Sennar under the leadership of Hamis, a prince of Darfur, inflicted a significant defeat of the invaders at the Battle of the Dindar River. The Scots explorer James Bruce adds that Badi was killed by Welled Hassan, the governor of Atbara; because Welled Hassan had killed the king "with a lance, whereas the only lawful instrument was a sword", the governor was afterwards put to death.

Badi IV

Badi IV (reigned 1724–1762; died 1764), also known as Badi abu Shilluk, was a ruler of the Kingdom of Sennar. When Emperor Iyasu II of Ethiopia invaded his realm in 1738, the army of Sennar under the leadership of Hamis, a prince of Darfur, inflicted a significant defeat of the invaders at the Battle of the Dindar River. The Scots explorer James Bruce adds that Badi was killed by Welled Hassan, the governor of Atbara; because Welled Hassan had killed the king "with a lance, whereas the only lawful instrument was a sword", the governor was afterwards put to death.