Bairagi (caste)

Bairagi is a Section of Hindu Brahmins. It is also known by other names including Vaishnav Brahmin, Swami, Mahant and Pujari at different places in India. They are particularly priests and land owners. They follow one of the Four Vaishnava orders: the Visishtadvaita belief system of Ramanuja (popularized by Ramananda in North India), the Dvaitadvaita philosophy propagated by Nimbarkacharya, the Shuddhadvaita philosophy propagated by Vishnuswami (mostly popularised by Vallabhacharya in North India), or the Dvaita philosophy propagated by Madhvacharya. The Bairagi caste is composed of respectable people.

Bairagi (caste)

Bairagi is a Section of Hindu Brahmins. It is also known by other names including Vaishnav Brahmin, Swami, Mahant and Pujari at different places in India. They are particularly priests and land owners. They follow one of the Four Vaishnava orders: the Visishtadvaita belief system of Ramanuja (popularized by Ramananda in North India), the Dvaitadvaita philosophy propagated by Nimbarkacharya, the Shuddhadvaita philosophy propagated by Vishnuswami (mostly popularised by Vallabhacharya in North India), or the Dvaita philosophy propagated by Madhvacharya. The Bairagi caste is composed of respectable people.