Bangladeshi immigration to Brazil

Bangladeshi immigration to Brazil is a new trend, as the South American country has no tradition of receiving the Bengali people. Most of Bangladeshi immigrants to Brazil ask for political asylum and protection from the Brazilian government. Most of the countries declare them as "refugees", although for the first time, Bangladeshis started to arrive in Brazil in the late 2000s and the migratory wave started to go upwards in the early 2010s. One of the reasons for choosing Brazil as a new home for these immigrants is their vision of the country being 'welcoming and full of opportunities', which they do not find in their home country, beyond the poverty, political and religious persecution in Bangladesh.

Bangladeshi immigration to Brazil

Bangladeshi immigration to Brazil is a new trend, as the South American country has no tradition of receiving the Bengali people. Most of Bangladeshi immigrants to Brazil ask for political asylum and protection from the Brazilian government. Most of the countries declare them as "refugees", although for the first time, Bangladeshis started to arrive in Brazil in the late 2000s and the migratory wave started to go upwards in the early 2010s. One of the reasons for choosing Brazil as a new home for these immigrants is their vision of the country being 'welcoming and full of opportunities', which they do not find in their home country, beyond the poverty, political and religious persecution in Bangladesh.