Barbara Galpin

Barbara Galpin (February 6, 1855 – August 14, 1922) was an American journalist. For twenty-five years Mrs. Galpin has been identified with the Somerville Journal, serving as compositor, proof reader, cashier, editor woman's page and assistant manager. Galpin traveled extensively in the United States and Europe, writing books and articles of travel, and lectured much upon this subject. She was the author of several books and contributed to magazines, both prose and poems.

Barbara Galpin

Barbara Galpin (February 6, 1855 – August 14, 1922) was an American journalist. For twenty-five years Mrs. Galpin has been identified with the Somerville Journal, serving as compositor, proof reader, cashier, editor woman's page and assistant manager. Galpin traveled extensively in the United States and Europe, writing books and articles of travel, and lectured much upon this subject. She was the author of several books and contributed to magazines, both prose and poems.