Barony of Craigie

The Barony of Craigie is a Scottish feudal Crown barony within and near Dundee in Scotland. Craigie has long been incorporated within the boundaries of the Royal Burgh of Dundee; before that it was a barony lying on the periphery of the town. The Barony of Craigie is one of several Scottish feudal Crown baronies, and is governed under the Abolition of Feudal Tenure Act, Scotland, 2000. The title and rights of the Barony of Craigie are currently held by The Much Honoured Rabbi Robert Owen Thomas III, 1st Baron of Craigie.

Barony of Craigie

The Barony of Craigie is a Scottish feudal Crown barony within and near Dundee in Scotland. Craigie has long been incorporated within the boundaries of the Royal Burgh of Dundee; before that it was a barony lying on the periphery of the town. The Barony of Craigie is one of several Scottish feudal Crown baronies, and is governed under the Abolition of Feudal Tenure Act, Scotland, 2000. The title and rights of the Barony of Craigie are currently held by The Much Honoured Rabbi Robert Owen Thomas III, 1st Baron of Craigie.