Barra War

The Barra War, also known as the Anglo-Niumi War and the British-Barra War, was a military conflict from 1831–1832 between forces of the British Empire and the Kingdom of Niumi, in modern-day The Gambia. ߓߊ߰ߙߊ߫ ߞߍߟߏ ߥߊߙߊ߲ ߊ߲ߜ߭ߊߟߋ ߢߐ߰ߡߌ߫ ߞߍߟߏ߸ ߞߍ߫ ߕߊ߫ ߥߊ߫ߟߌ߫ ߞߍ߬ߟߍ߬ ߟߋ߬ ߕߌ߫ ߞߊ߫ߓߐ߫ ߁߈߃߁−߁߈߃߂ ߢߐ߰ߡߌ߫ ߣߌ߲߫ ߊ߲ߜ߭ߊߟߋ߫ ߡߊ߲ߛߟߊ߬ ߕߍ߯ߡߊ߬߸ ߓߌ߬ ߦߊߕߍߕߐ߫ ߞߊ߲ߓߌߦߊ߫ ߥߊߙߊ߲ ߜ߭ߊ߲ߓߌߦߊ

Barra War

The Barra War, also known as the Anglo-Niumi War and the British-Barra War, was a military conflict from 1831–1832 between forces of the British Empire and the Kingdom of Niumi, in modern-day The Gambia. ߓߊ߰ߙߊ߫ ߞߍߟߏ ߥߊߙߊ߲ ߊ߲ߜ߭ߊߟߋ ߢߐ߰ߡߌ߫ ߞߍߟߏ߸ ߞߍ߫ ߕߊ߫ ߥߊ߫ߟߌ߫ ߞߍ߬ߟߍ߬ ߟߋ߬ ߕߌ߫ ߞߊ߫ߓߐ߫ ߁߈߃߁−߁߈߃߂ ߢߐ߰ߡߌ߫ ߣߌ߲߫ ߊ߲ߜ߭ߊߟߋ߫ ߡߊ߲ߛߟߊ߬ ߕߍ߯ߡߊ߬߸ ߓߌ߬ ߦߊߕߍߕߐ߫ ߞߊ߲ߓߌߦߊ߫ ߥߊߙߊ߲ ߜ߭ߊ߲ߓߌߦߊ