Bass Guitar (magazine)

Bass Guitar is a UK-based music magazine established in 2003 and continuing to the present day. The magazine was originally a bi-monthly publication until 2009 when it became monthly. The magazine has featured articles and tuition columns from a long list of world-renowned bassists, including Nick Beggs, pop and progressive rock veteran; Jeff Berlin, jazz legend; Steve Lawson, solo artist; Alex Webster of Cannibal Corpse; Suzy Starlite of the Starlite Campbell Band; Paolo Gregoletto of Trivium; Michael McKeegan of Therapy?; Ruth Goller, jazz educator and session bassist; and Paul Geary, session bassist with George Michael, Lisa Stansfield, Westlife and many others.

Bass Guitar (magazine)

Bass Guitar is a UK-based music magazine established in 2003 and continuing to the present day. The magazine was originally a bi-monthly publication until 2009 when it became monthly. The magazine has featured articles and tuition columns from a long list of world-renowned bassists, including Nick Beggs, pop and progressive rock veteran; Jeff Berlin, jazz legend; Steve Lawson, solo artist; Alex Webster of Cannibal Corpse; Suzy Starlite of the Starlite Campbell Band; Paolo Gregoletto of Trivium; Michael McKeegan of Therapy?; Ruth Goller, jazz educator and session bassist; and Paul Geary, session bassist with George Michael, Lisa Stansfield, Westlife and many others.