Battle and theatre honours of the Royal Australian Air Force

The Royal Australian Air Force and its forerunners have won many battle and theatre honours since their formation. * Egypt (1915–17) * Palestine (1917–18) * Western Front (1917–18) * Defence of Britain (1940–45) * Atlantic (1939–45) * Bismark * English Channel and North Sea 1939–45 * Tripitz * Baltic (1939–45) * Fortress Europe (1940–44) * France and Germany (1944–45) * Biscay Ports (1940–45) * Ruhr (1940–45) * Berlin (1940–45) * German Ports (1940–45) * Normandy 1944 * Walcheren * Rhine * Biscay (1940–45) * S.E. Europe (1942–45) * Egypt and Libya (1940–43) * El Alamein * El Hamma * North Africa (1942–43) * Mediterranean (1940–43) * Sicily 1943 * Italy (1943–45) * Anzio and Nettuno * Gustav Line * Gothic Line * Eastern Waters (1941–45) * Arctic (1940–45) *

Battle and theatre honours of the Royal Australian Air Force

The Royal Australian Air Force and its forerunners have won many battle and theatre honours since their formation. * Egypt (1915–17) * Palestine (1917–18) * Western Front (1917–18) * Defence of Britain (1940–45) * Atlantic (1939–45) * Bismark * English Channel and North Sea 1939–45 * Tripitz * Baltic (1939–45) * Fortress Europe (1940–44) * France and Germany (1944–45) * Biscay Ports (1940–45) * Ruhr (1940–45) * Berlin (1940–45) * German Ports (1940–45) * Normandy 1944 * Walcheren * Rhine * Biscay (1940–45) * S.E. Europe (1942–45) * Egypt and Libya (1940–43) * El Alamein * El Hamma * North Africa (1942–43) * Mediterranean (1940–43) * Sicily 1943 * Italy (1943–45) * Anzio and Nettuno * Gustav Line * Gothic Line * Eastern Waters (1941–45) * Arctic (1940–45) *