Battle of Casma

The Battle of Casma was a confrontation that occurred on 12 January 1839, during the War of the Confederation, a conflict between Chile and the Peru–Bolivian Confederation. The government of the Confederation hired privateers to counter the Chilean navy, offering a bounty of 200,000 pesos for the destruction of the Chilean fleet. When the Chileans lifted the blockade of Callao, four privateer ships sallied to earn that bounty. The ships were Mexicana (12 guns), Peru (10 guns), Arequipeño (6 guns) and Edmond (5 guns) under the overall command of Juan Blanchet, a former Lieutenant of the French navy.

Battle of Casma

The Battle of Casma was a confrontation that occurred on 12 January 1839, during the War of the Confederation, a conflict between Chile and the Peru–Bolivian Confederation. The government of the Confederation hired privateers to counter the Chilean navy, offering a bounty of 200,000 pesos for the destruction of the Chilean fleet. When the Chileans lifted the blockade of Callao, four privateer ships sallied to earn that bounty. The ships were Mexicana (12 guns), Peru (10 guns), Arequipeño (6 guns) and Edmond (5 guns) under the overall command of Juan Blanchet, a former Lieutenant of the French navy.