BeOS R5.1d0

BeOS R5.1d0 or Dano/EXP (also known as EXP, Dano, and incorrectly as Dan0/EXP or Dan0) is the build codename and most commonly used name to refer to a leaked R5.1 prerelease of the Be Operating System. Dano's build date is 15 November 2001, the day of Be Inc.'s closure. Dano features an improved network stack called , initial support for 802.11b wireless networking, some 3D acceleration-capable graphics drivers, a redesigned graphical user interface, a replacement USB subsystem with USB mass storage support, and other improvements. Many of these features had been promised for BeOS R5 a year earlier and not delivered.

BeOS R5.1d0

BeOS R5.1d0 or Dano/EXP (also known as EXP, Dano, and incorrectly as Dan0/EXP or Dan0) is the build codename and most commonly used name to refer to a leaked R5.1 prerelease of the Be Operating System. Dano's build date is 15 November 2001, the day of Be Inc.'s closure. Dano features an improved network stack called , initial support for 802.11b wireless networking, some 3D acceleration-capable graphics drivers, a redesigned graphical user interface, a replacement USB subsystem with USB mass storage support, and other improvements. Many of these features had been promised for BeOS R5 a year earlier and not delivered.