Bedburg-Königshoven (Mesolithic antler frontlets)

Red deer antler headdresses (or red deer antler caps) were modified red deer skulls, including the antlers that may have been used as a head-dress. They are often believed to be the oldest traces of shamanic and religious behaviour. Two of the small number of head-dresses currently known were discovered during archaeological excavations at the Mesolithic site of Bedburg-Königshoven (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany).

Bedburg-Königshoven (Mesolithic antler frontlets)

Red deer antler headdresses (or red deer antler caps) were modified red deer skulls, including the antlers that may have been used as a head-dress. They are often believed to be the oldest traces of shamanic and religious behaviour. Two of the small number of head-dresses currently known were discovered during archaeological excavations at the Mesolithic site of Bedburg-Königshoven (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany).