Bee Branch, Arkansas

Bee Branch is an unincorporated community in Van Buren County, Arkansas, United States. More than 70% of the local population consist of married couples. The majority of the population were born out-of-state and exclusively speak the English language. Residents of Bee Branch spend an average of 42 minutes commuting to and from work. Bee Branch has enjoyed a population growth of 5% since 2000 with a current population of 1,724 people. There is no metro area or city nearby; therefore, residents and visitors have difficulty using alternative transportation. However, the nearest towns are Clinton and Fairfield Bay.

Bee Branch, Arkansas

Bee Branch is an unincorporated community in Van Buren County, Arkansas, United States. More than 70% of the local population consist of married couples. The majority of the population were born out-of-state and exclusively speak the English language. Residents of Bee Branch spend an average of 42 minutes commuting to and from work. Bee Branch has enjoyed a population growth of 5% since 2000 with a current population of 1,724 people. There is no metro area or city nearby; therefore, residents and visitors have difficulty using alternative transportation. However, the nearest towns are Clinton and Fairfield Bay.