Belarusian State Medical University

Belarusian State Medical University (educational establishment “Belarusian State Medical University” – BSMU (Belarusian: Беларускі дзяржаўны медыцынскі універсітэт — БДМУ)(Russian: Белорусский государственный медицинский университет — БГМУ) is a university in Minsk, Belarus. It specialises in medicine and dentistry. The University is the leading higher medical educational institution of the Republic of Belarus.

Belarusian State Medical University

Belarusian State Medical University (educational establishment “Belarusian State Medical University” – BSMU (Belarusian: Беларускі дзяржаўны медыцынскі універсітэт — БДМУ)(Russian: Белорусский государственный медицинский университет — БГМУ) is a university in Minsk, Belarus. It specialises in medicine and dentistry. The University is the leading higher medical educational institution of the Republic of Belarus.