Ben Helfgott

Sir Ben Helfgott MBE (born 22 November 1929) is a Polish-born British Holocaust survivor and former champion weightlifter. He is one of two Jewish athletes known to have competed in the Olympics after surviving the Holocaust, although according to the definition of 'surviving the Holocaust' there could also be others, such as Susie Halter (originally Zsuzsa Nádor) who escaped from a forced march on her way to a slave labour camp and then survived in hiding in Budapest. Helfgott has spent his adult life promoting Holocaust education, meeting with national leaders in the UK to promote cultural integration and peace.

Ben Helfgott

Sir Ben Helfgott MBE (born 22 November 1929) is a Polish-born British Holocaust survivor and former champion weightlifter. He is one of two Jewish athletes known to have competed in the Olympics after surviving the Holocaust, although according to the definition of 'surviving the Holocaust' there could also be others, such as Susie Halter (originally Zsuzsa Nádor) who escaped from a forced march on her way to a slave labour camp and then survived in hiding in Budapest. Helfgott has spent his adult life promoting Holocaust education, meeting with national leaders in the UK to promote cultural integration and peace.