Berliner Abendblatt

The Berliner Abendblatt is the leading weekly advertising paper in Berlin, Germany alongside the Berliner Woche and, along with Einkaufaktuell, one of the three main media for the collective distribution of the weekly brochures of retail chains in Berlin. The circulation of 1.45 million copies is distributed in 23 local editions within Berlin. The distribution takes place every weekend to numerous Berlin households in the "economically attractive core areas".“

Berliner Abendblatt

The Berliner Abendblatt is the leading weekly advertising paper in Berlin, Germany alongside the Berliner Woche and, along with Einkaufaktuell, one of the three main media for the collective distribution of the weekly brochures of retail chains in Berlin. The circulation of 1.45 million copies is distributed in 23 local editions within Berlin. The distribution takes place every weekend to numerous Berlin households in the "economically attractive core areas".“