Berliner Mittwochsgesellschaft

The (Geheime) Berliner Mittwochsgesellschaft ("[Secret] Berlin Wednesday Society") was a small group of German liberal thinkers in Berlin. As early as 1783 (with Johann Erich Biester as secretary), intellectuals associated with the had gathered in a Gesellschaft der Freunde der Aufklärung, or Society of Friends of the Enlightenment. It was established by Wilhelm Abraham Teller. Members included the Prussian finance minister , the finance councillor (1726–1797), the poet Leopold Friedrich Günther von Goeckingk, Christian Konrad Wilhelm von Dohm, the theatre director and writer Johann Jacob Engel, the Supreme Court councillor , Friedrich Gedike, , the jurist Ernst Ferdinand Klein, Franz Michael Leuchsenring, the physician und , the preachers Johann Joachim Spalding and , and . Moses Mende

Berliner Mittwochsgesellschaft

The (Geheime) Berliner Mittwochsgesellschaft ("[Secret] Berlin Wednesday Society") was a small group of German liberal thinkers in Berlin. As early as 1783 (with Johann Erich Biester as secretary), intellectuals associated with the had gathered in a Gesellschaft der Freunde der Aufklärung, or Society of Friends of the Enlightenment. It was established by Wilhelm Abraham Teller. Members included the Prussian finance minister , the finance councillor (1726–1797), the poet Leopold Friedrich Günther von Goeckingk, Christian Konrad Wilhelm von Dohm, the theatre director and writer Johann Jacob Engel, the Supreme Court councillor , Friedrich Gedike, , the jurist Ernst Ferdinand Klein, Franz Michael Leuchsenring, the physician und , the preachers Johann Joachim Spalding and , and . Moses Mende