Bernhard, Arnold, and Florian Abel

The brothers Bernhard Abel and Arnold Abel were sculptors and Florian Abel a painter in the middle of the 16th century. In 1561, Bernhard and Arnold worked for the Imperial Court in Vienna. On 28 April, they signed a contract on the completion of the unfinished tomb of Emperor Maximilian I in the court chapel of Innsbruck. Their work was finished by Alexander Collin, a sculptor from Mechelen in the province of Antwerp. According to his report, the two brothers had only begun with three of the reliefs, but finished none. Collin continued to work after the sketches from Florian Abel.

Bernhard, Arnold, and Florian Abel

The brothers Bernhard Abel and Arnold Abel were sculptors and Florian Abel a painter in the middle of the 16th century. In 1561, Bernhard and Arnold worked for the Imperial Court in Vienna. On 28 April, they signed a contract on the completion of the unfinished tomb of Emperor Maximilian I in the court chapel of Innsbruck. Their work was finished by Alexander Collin, a sculptor from Mechelen in the province of Antwerp. According to his report, the two brothers had only begun with three of the reliefs, but finished none. Collin continued to work after the sketches from Florian Abel.