Beth Jacob Jerusalem

Beth Jacob Jerusalem (Hebrew: סמינר בית יעקב למורות‎, Seminar Bais Yaakov LeMorot), also known as Machon Sarah Schneirer, commonly referred to as BJJ, is a Haredi religious girls seminary located in the Unsdorf neighborhood of Jerusalem. It was founded in the early 1970s by Rebbetzin Bruria David. Approximately 180 girls are educated in this elite institution each year.

Beth Jacob Jerusalem

Beth Jacob Jerusalem (Hebrew: סמינר בית יעקב למורות‎, Seminar Bais Yaakov LeMorot), also known as Machon Sarah Schneirer, commonly referred to as BJJ, is a Haredi religious girls seminary located in the Unsdorf neighborhood of Jerusalem. It was founded in the early 1970s by Rebbetzin Bruria David. Approximately 180 girls are educated in this elite institution each year.