Bethel (god)

Bethel meaning in Hebrew and Phoenician and Aramaic 'House of El' or 'House of God' is seemingly the name of the God or an aspect of the God in some ancient middle-eastern texts dating to the Assyrian, Persian and Hellenistic periods. According to the Bible, Jacob (Israel) called the name of the place where God had spoken with him "Bethel". (Genesis 35:15) In the treaty between King Esarhaddon of Assyria and Ba‘al I king of Tyre in 677 BC, curses are called down on the Tyrian king if he breaks the treaty, including: May Bethel and Anat-Bethel deliver you to a man-eating lion.

Bethel (god)

Bethel meaning in Hebrew and Phoenician and Aramaic 'House of El' or 'House of God' is seemingly the name of the God or an aspect of the God in some ancient middle-eastern texts dating to the Assyrian, Persian and Hellenistic periods. According to the Bible, Jacob (Israel) called the name of the place where God had spoken with him "Bethel". (Genesis 35:15) In the treaty between King Esarhaddon of Assyria and Ba‘al I king of Tyre in 677 BC, curses are called down on the Tyrian king if he breaks the treaty, including: May Bethel and Anat-Bethel deliver you to a man-eating lion.