Betsy Boze

Betsy Vogel Boze (pronounced Bōz), is an American academic and higher education administrator. During her career at public universities she has been a professor of marketing, department chair, dean, CEO of Kent State University at Stark, and president of The College of The Bahamas. She is a senior fellow at the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) researching alternative revenue streams for public colleges and universities.

Betsy Boze

Betsy Vogel Boze (pronounced Bōz), is an American academic and higher education administrator. During her career at public universities she has been a professor of marketing, department chair, dean, CEO of Kent State University at Stark, and president of The College of The Bahamas. She is a senior fellow at the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) researching alternative revenue streams for public colleges and universities.