Bible translations into the languages of Indonesia and Malaysia

Malaysian and Indonesian Bible translations have a lot of common history up until the modern era. Apart from the shared Malay language which historically was the lingua franca of the Malay archipelago and forms the basis for the national languages of Indonesia and Malaysia today, portions of the Bible have been translated into a variety of indigenous languages in the region. The translation of the Bible into the Malay language was one of the first extant translations of the Bible in an East Asian language.

Bible translations into the languages of Indonesia and Malaysia

Malaysian and Indonesian Bible translations have a lot of common history up until the modern era. Apart from the shared Malay language which historically was the lingua franca of the Malay archipelago and forms the basis for the national languages of Indonesia and Malaysia today, portions of the Bible have been translated into a variety of indigenous languages in the region. The translation of the Bible into the Malay language was one of the first extant translations of the Bible in an East Asian language.